Rudolph Libbe Group
North Olmsted, OH
Square footage:
Sergiu Stoian
Our approach to the layout of the office space for the new Rudolph Libbe Group – Cleveland office is to organize a primary ‘spine’ and all adjacent common shared areas off of this space. As the spine moves through the office all individuals have equal access to these shared spaces. This organizational strategy stems from centuries of urban planning and development throughout the world. In cities like Paris, France and Vienna, Austria the primary circulation ‘spine’ is accented with activity nodes like; markets, churches, plazas, shops, cafes, fountains, sculptures, etc. As you move through the city you get different experiences and interactions with activities and people. We feel this same approach can be successful in today’s office environment where the workforce is striving for a collaborative approach to problem solving. The nodes in the office are areas like the café, meeting rooms, training rooms, 2-4 person huddle rooms, collaborative spaces, copier/workrooms, etc.
As guests enter the building they would immediately get a feel of the Rudolph Libbe identity and as they pass through the spine they would experience the collaborative effort while only getting glimpses into the workstation areas. Rudolph Libbe employees get this same experience which reinforces the pride in their work and their employer. Centrally located shared spaces further reinforce transparency as meetings take place in the midst of other activity, however with creative solutions to area divisions productivity can be maintained.
We believe that this type of organizational approach will be successful for Rudolph Libbe’s Cleveland office and will sustain the culture and team effort for 20+ years to come.

Floor Plan Concepts